Keep their memory alive
Honour their life story
in a short memorial film
Don’t let their memory fade with a picture in a frame or a name on a memorial.
Lasting Legacy celebrates the story of their life and keeps it alive for future generations.
We help you create a personalised online film with pictures and content you provide.
Share your film tribute with friends and family or display it on a QR code memorial.
We craft each of the films by hand (with your input) and so they take time, typically a couple of weeks. As such we only have a limited capacity per month.
If you're interested in finding out if a memorial film is right for you and your loved one, enter your details and join our waitlist for next month below.
Below are a few examples of stories we have produced and our customers have kindly allowed us to share.
People remember stories
The loss of a loved one is a difficult and emotionally taxing experience, and we are here to help you honour their memory and ease the burden.
We know it may be daunting to try and capture someones life in a short film, but we have simplified the process for you to make it as easy as possible to tell their tale and honour their life.
We have 20 years experience making short films and our goal is to work with what you provide (photos, videos, and life story) to create a short film that captures the essence of your loved one's life journey.
Bringing memorials into the digital age.
Have you ever wondered about the person behind a name on a gravestone? What if you could wander among memories, flip through family photos, and discover people's life accomplishments?
Wouldn't the park bench you're sitting on be more intriguing if you knew about the person it commemorates and why they chose this particular spot?
Wouldn't your great-great-grandchildren be curious to learn more about their heritage and hear about the family traits they share, like those striking blue eyes long after you and your generation have passed?
Our offering can make all of this a reality and much more, by bringing memorials into the digital age. You can choose to have your film linked to a QR code (engraved onto a stainless steel plaque) which is then affixed to your memorial, creating an indelible tribute to honour their life.
Choose your package
Memorial Film
Short Memorial Film up to 7 minutes in length:
Up to 10 chapters story (1000 words)
Story and image guidance
Choice of 3 music beds
Choice of 3 narration voices
Choice of 3 animation styles
Can include images and video
Unique memorial page link
1-1 support and 3 sets of amends
1 week turnaround time on the film
Durable stainless steel laser cut QR code plaque and mount included
Memorial Film
Short Memorial Film up to 5 minutes in length
Up to 8 chapters story (800 words)
Story and image guidance
Choice of 3 music beds
Choice of 3 narration voices
Choice of 3 animation styles
Can include images and video
Unique memorial page link
Durable stainless steel laser cut QR code plaque included
1-1 support and 1 set of amends
2 week turnaround time on the film
Memorial Film
Short Memorial Film up to 3 minutes in length
Up to 5 chapters story (500 words)
Story and image guidance
Choice of 3 music beds
Choice of 3 narration voices
Choice of 2 animation styles
Can include images (no video on this package)
1 sets of amends
Unique memorial page link
Durable stainless steel laser cut QR code plaque included
1-1 support and 1 set of amends
3 week turnaround time on the film
Memorial Film
Short Memorial Film up to 2 minutes in length
Image guidance and and resizing where appropriate
Choice of 2 animation styles
Choice of 3 music beds
Can include images (no videos)
Unique memorial page link
Durable stainless steel laser cut QR code plaque included
1-1 support and 1 set of amends
3 week turnaround time on the film